About FEDWorkshop
Created in 2000, FEDWorkshop is an in-person educational training session uniquely designed for federal employees. Federal Employees Retirement Services dedicated their attention to providing federal employees with the knowledge and guidance they need to make informed decisions about their retirement benefits.
The FEDWorkshop is designed to simplify complex concepts and explain them in easy-to-understand language to help you appreciate how proactive benefit decisions can positively affect your financial situation.
In this unique training, you’ll quickly see how to apply what you learn in the classroom to your own situation. Rather than teaching you technical details about benefits rules, the goal of the workshop is to educate you on the financial impact of retirement and benefit options so that you can make informed decisions based on sound information.
We understand that HR departments have an important role to help federal employees prepare to retire but are not permitted to discuss someone’s personal financial situation or give advice on decisions to be made. That is where Federal Employees Retirement Services comes in…we are here to make your job easier and ensure your employees get the retirement training they deserve.